Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Joe cartoon

G’day, I’m Peter Saville and our wacky website this time is a world famous phenomena called Joe Cartoon famous who is adaptations of fly’s, frog in a blender and other funny cartoons. The famous super fly cartoons have spread around the net as downloads. Have a look at www.joecartoon.com

Church Sign Generator

G’day, I’m Peter Saville and our wacky website this time comes from thos signs you see out the front of churches with inspirational messages. You know the ones that have bible quotes, proverbs, sayings and other important information. Imagine the possibilities if you could create your own, well you can make some pretty amazing signs with this church sign generator at www.churchsigngenerator.com and There's also a link to a Church of Scientology sign generator and a Westboro Baptist Church sign generator!

McDonalds Signs

G’day, I’m Peter Saville and our wacky website this time comes from a politically motivated website to have a certain restaurant chain distance itself from a gas drinking range of cars, whilst that might all and interesting its not that section of the site we are interested in. I’m taking you there because we have all seen those signs out the front of fast food restaurants and thought wouldn’t it be funny to change them to say something else. Well now you can, this site has a virtual sign generator where you can make a favorite fast food restaurant greeting sign say anything you want. Have a look at http://www.ewg.org/sites/mchummer//index.php

Stephen Colbert's On Notice

G’day, I’m Peter Saville and our wacky website this time comes from an idea from the successful Comedy Central TV program by American political satirist Stephen Colbert. The Colbert Report is famous for its rather quirky and biased look at American and world politics. Colbert regularly puts people on notice on his show and this simple website written in java allows you to create a Colbert “on notice” sign for your own and then right click the image and save it for use later. Have a look at http://www.shipbrook.com/onnotice/